Greeting to you in Jesus’ name from Myanmar. I hope you all are doing well. We are also doing well.
Last week on the 1st December we baptized 12 new believers as we celebrate the coming of the LORD Jesus Christ.
Thank you for all your prayers and support that we are able to celebrate God's love and grace with our new believers in Jesus Christ. We need your prayers that these newly born children will grow in the knowledge of the LORD Jesus Christ until they become matured in words and deeds.
This year we also plan to conduct Christmas for the unbelievers at least in three places. We would like see people coming to Christ in repentance of their sins and confess their faith in Jesus. We expect to reach 500 people with the Gospel of salvation in this Christmas season.
Please continue praying for us that we need your prayers and continue support for these events as we will spend money, time and energy for getting people to Christ our LORD as commissioned us to do. Tens of thousands people are ready to receive the Gospel, but we are so weak to announce our saving grace news to our beloved brothers as Jesus said the harvest is plentiful but the harvesters are few.
Thanks you for your hands that reaching us, your hearts that cares and support our needs. I will send our reports after those events as we expect miracles in our evangelism meetings.
Pastor Nung Khan Mang